Evo's Ten commandments:
1) Putting an end to the capitalist system
2) Renouncing wars
3) A world without imperialism or colonialism
4) Right to water
5) Development of clean energies
6) Respect for Mother Earth
7) Treat basic services as human rights
8) Fighting inequalities
9) Promoting diversity of cultures and economies
10) Living well, not living better at the expense of others
Granma, April 22

1) Putting an end to the capitalist system
2) Renouncing wars
3) A world without imperialism or colonialism
4) Right to water
5) Development of clean energies
6) Respect for Mother Earth
7) Treat basic services as human rights
8) Fighting inequalities
9) Promoting diversity of cultures and economies
10) Living well, not living better at the expense of others
Granma, April 22
UNITED NATIONS, April 21.— Bolivian President Evo Morales told the Seventh UN Indigenous Forum on Monday that the first step in saving the planet is to eradicate the capitalist model and force the wealthy industrialized countries to pay their environmental debt.
In a long and much applauded speech, Morales presented ten points he considers crucial to reversing current trends and condemned the concept of war, which he said brings profits for the empires, the transnationals and a group of families, but not for the people.
Morales also spoke about the need to establish relations of coexistence between countries instead of subjugation and said that access to water is a human right.
The indigenous leader said that solutions to the energy crisis need to be sought in the development of clean energy such as geothermal, solar and wind and he rejected the use of food crops for biofuels.
Evo Morales made a call to promote diversity in multination states and concluded: "Or we will follow a life of capitalism and death or the indigenous path of harmony with Mother Earth and life."
In a long and much applauded speech, Morales presented ten points he considers crucial to reversing current trends and condemned the concept of war, which he said brings profits for the empires, the transnationals and a group of families, but not for the people.
Morales also spoke about the need to establish relations of coexistence between countries instead of subjugation and said that access to water is a human right.
The indigenous leader said that solutions to the energy crisis need to be sought in the development of clean energy such as geothermal, solar and wind and he rejected the use of food crops for biofuels.
Evo Morales made a call to promote diversity in multination states and concluded: "Or we will follow a life of capitalism and death or the indigenous path of harmony with Mother Earth and life."
1 comment:
This is an open letter to Evo Morales; President Morales,please come to the USA and run for president in 2012 !
Seriously,the world finaly has a polotician who understands what being human and having freedom is all about ! Far to many people equate market economics and capitalism with freedom,not realizing that when,'' because of the commodification and privitisation of nature and natural resources''you are forced to pay for the natural resources vital to human life, you are not free! Why is it so hard for people to understand that to be free means that you are not obligated to pay for anything other than the labor of other human beings ? If we were told that from now on we were going to have to pay a fee for the right to speek our minds,would we consider that freedom ? We are taught that we have a natural right to life,and of course we do ,but if we have a right to life,why is it that we must purchase from others, living space,ie,'' real estate''upon the very planet that we are native to ?Is it possible to live without living space ? Who,other than the creator of this planet created and issued the first land title ?
Now of course if you want someone to labor for you ,they should be rewarded.Also a person should indeed not be forced to labor for another.Besides these facts there is another right that we in America have overlooked.That being the right to not need,or have anyone labor for you.In America our culture and individual lives have become so commercialized that at some point each of us will be forced to pay for products or srvices we do not want nor need.Lets see,there is mandatory insurance,mandatory police protecton,''even in the smallest and safest town,or area'',mandatory car inspections,home inspections and a litney of other mandatory sevices including lawers and their legal sevices,which we can no longer live without.When we are forced to pay for things and services we do not want we can not honestly claim to be free.Again this form of economic tyranny is caused by the commodification of nature and life.This commodification,is the very hallmark of capitalism.As you know already that in a capitalistic economy that economy must continue to grow,or else collapse upon itself.''This is true of cancer also'' As you also know, that to force economic growth job creation,for the sake of job creation is nessacary.Now suppose we were allowed to refuse the services or products which are created as a result of the created jobs ?
Evo Morales is talking about restoring humaneness to humanity.A task which I personaly am glad someone is interested in.Frankly,I resent the fact that in our capitalist scociety freedom is reserved as a commodity for those that can pay the going price.I am angered by those who by virtue of birth,or monetary wealth ,legaly lay claim to even the things that God ,''self evidently'' created for all to share,with no consideration of wealth or status.God never printed any title to land,nor did he intend for a wealthy minority to own the majority of the earth ,or its natural resources.It is time that humanity reclaim our right to take a substainable living from from the natural world,no longer should we be forced to ''earn ''a living,by laboring for or paying fees to those who have laid claim to our natural commons.Without the free and democratic accsess to the commons ,freedom is impossible,''except for a few who can buy it ''also impossible is the full realization of our humanness and our place in nature.
I have often overheard the expression'' free loader''refering to those who supposedly not earned their ''fair share''or use of an object or service.I declare as fact,that each and every one of us are freeloaders ! Your not,you say ? Tell me then,when the sun rises in the morning,and spreads its life giving and sustaining facualties upon the earth,are you in some way responcible ? Tell me,did you create or give yourself life ? Did you earn even the right to be born ? It seems that when we are honest,none of us have ''earned'' as much as even our own existence ! Even the drive to live,originates beyond our own effort.Indeed life ,and the earth we live upon ,with all its natural resources are gifts given to each of us.We would do well to replace pride in our accomplishments,in what we have earned, with a attuitude of gratitude for all that we have been given.
The so called free market will never make a free people.However a free people can create a market system based upon the satisfaction of human need.Just as nature is the source of our natural rights ,the accsess of and to the natural commons is the foundation of our right to sustain ourselves from those commons.When we are forced to pay for the natural commons,our natural rights are denied .We must understand that our rights ,espeacialy our right to life,are gifts from the creator,''or if you choose''nature .Like all gifts,our rights are not earned they are simply given.Since we have a right to life we also have a right to the commons that make life possible.An economy not based upon these truths is an economy for slaves and slave masters.
We must as we demand our freedom,allow ourselves to be free.The right to meet our human needs via the natural commons is our most fundamental right.Without the free exercise of this right all others mean nothing.We are not free as long as our freedom must be purchased for the profit of those who care more about free markets than free people.
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